A Basis for Model Computation in Free Data Types Wolfgang Ahrendt Abstract data types, specified by some equality logic under the assumption of term generatedness, are called `free', if terms, built only by constructors, are semantically unique. This paper presents a calculus, intended to search for models of free data type specifications. A semantical view is discussed, where the uniqueness of constructor terms is `hard wired'. This suggests an explicit reasoning about interpretations instead of performing real equality reasoning. The rules, which depend on signature, constructor definitions and axioms, are formulated as range restricted clauses. This allows to `perform' the calculus simply by calling a model generation prover, in particular the MGTP system. This approach is a `basis' only, because one of the core problems in model construction, the terminating detection of satisfying models, is not yet solved for the described frame. Perspectives in this issue are briefly discussed against the background of using the method for disproving conjectures about consistent data types.